"So this firm was literally founded over a burrito. We all grew up at the same firm; Kristen, Mike, Joe and I (Bob). And then we all left about five years ago. I walked into Chipotle in Glastonbury, which is Joe's favorite place to eat. Of course, I walked in and Joe was there. I had not seen him in literally ten years. At that exact time, I was looking to leave my former firm and Joe was breaking a wall down in this office to expand that day when we met, at Chipotle. We sat down and I told him I was looking to leave, and he told me he was looking to break a wall down. It just matches. Some people think it's Connecticut Financial Partners, which obviously works, which is great for the state. It's just we came up with CT and the T fit in the C and that was the ballgame, sold."
"It's a play on words. The C is Covill and the T is Tubridy. But everyone thinks it's Connecticut because we were the first two. So I used to when it was just me call it J.T. Covill Investment Advisory, cause it was just me. But then when Bob joined, you know, I didn't think that that would make a lot of sense we did a little name change, and it's been like that ever since. So it's perfect because I've had people call it Connecticut Financial Partners, not knowing it's Covill Tubridy. You know, and the reality is, is that's the way at this point because Kristin is here and Mike is here, you know, et cetera. That's kind of the way I think about it anyways at this point. But that's really the way is the way it started."