"What's the best advice I could give somebody? Life is long. Don't make long term decisions on a short term feeling. You know, I think that trying to have a little more consistency in life and not succumbing to our kind of short term feeling and not messing something up in the long term."
"Best advice, that's a tough one. Work hard. I enjoy working, I do. So I don't like to sit around, I don't like my kids sitting around. So I think if you work hard enough, good things happen. Find out what you want to do in life. If you like what you do that's all that matters. If you like what you do, you'll be a happy person."
"I've got a lot of good advice. Don't panic. Don't make long term decisions based on short term circumstance. Stay the course. If you can do those things, you're probably going to be okay."
"There's a few things. From when I was a child, my grandfather was a business owner who would always tell me just be a good guy. Be honest and work hard. Never be satisfied with what you have, and always want more. What's the next thing."